They Don't Get Any Worse Than
Ed Gein!

Eddie His Victims!
Plainfield, Wisconsin November 18, 1957!
You Are There!

"Been Killing For 7 Years," Says Gein!
Arrest Farmer For Killing 11, Believe Victims Were Eaten!

Eddie Gein Lived Well!
Ed Gein was a collossal fiend. He robbed graves, and killed and ate his living victims. There were skulls on his bedsteads, and a human heart on the stove. He had used human leather to make a lampshade. Gein was only convicted of one crime; the murder of Bernice Worden. Eddie entered her hardware store one afternoon wanting to look at .22 calibur rifles. He took the bullets from his pocket, loaded the gun, and blew Berniceaway. He hauled her in his pickup to his farm where he prepared for a feast.
Though Ed Gein looks nothing like Tony Perkins, Gein's personna was the inspiration for the movie Psycho. Clearly, Eddie Gein is a class act among monsters. He deserves his own page since he's the funnest of them all!

In A Dark Shed!
"The body had been opened by a median incision from the manubrium sterni and extending in the midline to the area just above the mons veneris. Here the cut circled around the external genitalia for the complete removal of the vulva, lower vagina, and the anus with the lowest portion of the rectum. To accomplish this, the symphysis pubis has been split and the pubic bones widely separated... The empty body cavities were glistening and free from blood and appeared as if they had been washed." Eddie the gourmet!
His neighbors said that he gave them home made sausage!
They found six vulvas in his lunch box. Now, Eddie really knows how to fix a meal!

Puttin' On The Ritz!
Eddie Gein's favorite outfit was a torso that he had prepared from the corpses that he robbed from graves. He would put on the "bustier" and wear it around in the moonlight. Supposedly he did gleeful dances during those episodes. He fashioned a belt from nipples; they must have looked like conchos! Totally wacko! It was said that he was "crazy like a fox" by pretending to be crazy so that he wouldn't get sent to prison. He didn't. Declared insane, he cooled his jets in the loony bin for years until they finally figured that publicity had died down sufficiently to hold a trial. Kangaroo court found him guilty and insane and sent him back to the bin. If he had gotten loose he might have even eaten YOU!
New York fashion houses declined to emulate Eddie's Designs. Jeffrey Dahmer thought Gein's fashion sense was genius and his recipes sumptuous!

Eddie Waited 11 Years
To Get A Trial!

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